Where Can I Serve?

Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation.  
It may be in small ways like taking a young person under your wing as a spiritual daughter or son and spend some time with each one teaching them cooking and/or carpentry or other skills. Go to their school concerts ad games. Show your care for them in various ways and share the love of Jesus in words and deeds.
Open your home to a Bible study or home fellowship group. Form a sports group for golf, tennis, hiking, kayaking or other. In the context of relationships formed, share the Gospel.
Look at your job as both a place for ministry and a ministry itself where you give it your utmost and give God glory. Be a role model for behavior and speech showing kindness and compassion. Be an encourager and an atmosphere changer to better the environment and relationships with fellow co-workers.
Enlist in music and youth ministries. Music touches the heart and open it to the Lord in praise and worship.
Enlist in media and technology to make use of it for the Lord. Media is a viable tool to spread the Gospel message and to make disciples, which is the primary function of  the church community.

Gather together in twos and three for intercessory prayer for the local and online church community. The growth of the church spiritually and physically in numbers depends on prayer.

This online version of ekklesia (the called out ones literally, the Greek word translated church) is a church without walls and without boundaries that separate Christians. How many times have you heard the church is not the building, it’s the people and the Greek word says it all. We are called out from the world to live a new life in Christ who makes our spirits alive and as the Scripture says, born again of the Spirit of God! We are changed forever and it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us.