Our Mission & VisionThe mission of Christ Online Fellowship (COF) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, baptizing them, and sharing the Gospel through fellowship, worship, and study of God’s Word, the Bible. We aim to promote and bear witness to the principal of the Gospel through life and community involvement and where God places us.
The vision of this online church fellowship is to be a discipling mentoring fellowship of Spirit led and empowered believers in Christ promoting the Good News of Jesus Christ for his glory and the eternal good of people to live a fuller and more purposeful life for Christ’s sake.
The goal of the leadership is principally to devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word in order to equip disciples to do the work of the ministry so that all may attain maturity in the fulness of Jesus Christ. We sometimes minister one on one and in group settings, whatever best meets needs.
Currently Rev. Greg Foster pastors the Southport (Maine) United Methodist Church, which is locally known as The Church on the Hill. Anyone looking for a local church is welcome. It is a warm, loving body with a desire to serve individuals and families in the coastal region. As an evangelical church, the Good News of Jesus Christ and him crucified and resurrected is preached, taught. and lived out. The church’s main objective is to teach people how to live out a Christian witness in their families, community and beyond.
As the primary teaching and preaching pastor for Christ Online Fellowship, Pastor Foster has a passion to have people understand the Scriptures and to help them appy them in their lives in practical everyday ways. He desires to see all come to recognize their own spiritual gifts for the good of the whole body and to be given opportunities to use them in various settings. He also desires to mentor leadership for the ongoing leadership ministry of the church.
Pastor Foster has ministered in churches and home groups for many years in various denominational and non-denominational settings. He is a member of the International Healing Order of St. Luke the Physician and has been involved in several pastoral organizations, including a pastors’ roundtable for several years. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, MA.
This website holds a high view of the Bible as the Word of God, which reveals the will of God for faith and practice and reveals God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the divine Trinity. It is infallible and inerrant.
We believe that all must be born again of the Spirit of God in order to know God in the biblical sense and to receive eternal life and preach Jesus Christ and him crucified and resurrected.
The spiritual and supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us for life and ministry, are for today including healing, miracles, revolutionary giftings, and tongues. No gifts have passed away and the leadership giftings of pastor-teacher, evangelist, prophet, and apostle still exist for the building up of the body of Christ.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the Virgin birth, and resurrected bodily return of Jesus Christ and all tenets of the historic Christian faith as included in the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed.
We want to extend a warm WELCOME to all people and nations to join us in this online community of followers of Jesus Christ wherever you may be. There are no denominational or other requirements other being a believer or a seeker in the faith. We encourage participation and questions. In these troubles and times, we especially want to be here for people.
You also are enthusiastically invited to join the congregation of the Southport United Methodist Church in scenic coastal Maine. Sunday services are currently at 9 a.m. followed by coffee hour.
Read the preacher’s latest sermon: THE CALL TO RETURN