Audio Sermon Archive -(most sermons are now online and can be accessed on the home page)


This is the link to my YouTube message for today, Palm Sunday entitled Countdown to Victory
A couple of weeks ago, I saw how things were changing by the minute. Everything became chaotic, and now they want to open things up again. My feeling is they ought to consult God who knows more than the most intelligent doe-doe on earth!
Then I had a simple dream of everything in the state of flux. It ended with a large clock that stopped. How many know that God still speaks to us in dreams? I thought it only applied to me. Then as I thought about it, I now believe God is saying to everybody, there is going to be a time, probably soon, when time shall be no more and Jesus/Yeshua will return in his resurrected body for everybody who knows Jesus/Yeshua personally. I want to see you all with me! Jesus says, “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” (Revelation 22:7)
Easter message
During this pandemic, we are all having to revert to ways of doing things like in the past when life was simpler, and we didn’t have everything done for us. Some of us have forgotten what it is like to make bread from scratch and don’t understand the saying older folks use: the greatest thing since sliced bread! Most younger people, myself included, don’t remember when bakery or grocery customers had to slice their own bread.
Now we are in an era when we have forgotten the ways of the Lord. Before the pandemic began, we had few needs unmet with high salaries, 50 kinds of cereal and catsup to select from. Families have had three or four autos and trucks and gas prices went up and up. Now people are looking to the government still for a handout and not to God first. Now that 22 million people are out of work, people are in fear it will continue to go up in numbers and the numbers of deaths continue to climb all over the worlds, and it no doubt will. Will the economy collapse as they scramble for ways to open up the economy which is already in shambles never to return to the past? Who knows?
Where is God in all of this anyway, people ask? We should be asking where was our Christian faith when there have been 60 million killings of the unborn through abortion and even born now?  Where was our faith when the federal government taxed our middle and lower class to near poverty and now even our social security? Where was our love for God and his Word when homosexuals and lesbians flaunt their sin in everyone’s faces with pride and churches who say it is okay by doing so are saying the Gospel of freedom from sin does not apply to them? Where was our righteousness in Christ when men and women were in bed with anyone whether married or not and condoned living together apart from marriage? Where was our voice of anger when states condone euthanasia, otherwise known as physician assisted suicide? Who in their faith forgot to feed the hungry and visit the sick and those in prison? Where have all the godly preachers gone who used to preach repentance from sin and preach cheap grace, forgiveness without godly sorrow, and worship with hearts far from God


What about the cross of Christ and its wisdom and power? We now have a cross-less Christ who whitewashes sins and overlooks sinful lifestyles. We have a Christ how is not the almighty Jesus Christ who is the soon coming king! How can anyone find forgiveness given those understandings? How can the church be the salt and light it once was? Why would the world come to a church which does not know its identity anymore?
Those and many other questions ought to convict us a nation and individuals whom God is calling back to himself  through this current pandemic. He is loudly calling us to return to the God our forebears, to the God of the great and mighty moves of God in this nation unlike the modern-day world when we did not heed his call through his mercy and goodness in most recent years? Oh, people, are we hearing the word of the Lord through the prophet Ezekiel in chapter 16:43: “Because you did not remember the days of your youth but enraged me with all these things, I will surely bring down on your head what you have done, declares the Sovereign Lord. Did you not add lewdness to all your detestable practices?” God’s dealings with the Israelites closely resembles his dealings with us today. Jesus Christ, God the Son, is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Surely that speaks to the great apostasy, the falling away of many in rebellion in the church in this era, does it not?  Could this be the time when we ever so close to the Day of the Lord, the time when Jesus returns to end the rebellion in th earth? Paul the apostle tells us in the second letter to the Thessalonians  2:1-3, “Concerning the coming of our Lord
 Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us – whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter – asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.”
Is this the time? What is there about apostasy we don’t understand? If not the exact time, are we not approaching the criteria for the time warned about? We’re at a time when all over the world, the Good News of Jesus Christ has become watered down to the extent we do not see the real Jesus; his face is obscured into a heavenly waiter answering every beck and call for material things that are not necessities. False prophets pack people into large church buildings proclaiming prosperity despite sin in the camp, who proclaim better days ahead without regard to scriptural warnings. Have enough people turned away from the Living God to idols of money, sex, and materialism to make it an apostasy? Have enough Christians turned away from their first love to stick their noses in the flood of filth in our entertainment and news media? Have enough women and children been abused to reach the cut off point?
What can the righteous do when the foundations have been torn down, the psalmist asks? Where are the Isaiahs, Jeremiahs, and Ezekiels who do not mince words and give the truth of what is on the heart of God to the people? Where are the wholesale conversions there used to be in churches throughout America, and we rejoice in only one sinner coming to Christ per year? Who sheds holy tears over the disappearance of godliness and prayer in our schools? Who bemoans the lack of biblical principles governing the public square, and talking heads mock God.
“You reap what you sow,” says the Lord. “God is not mocked!”  The patience of God in enduring the pride of this nation in its blaspheming the name of the Lord in words has an end. There comes a day of reckoning, my friends, one which will come not gently as in the past. When Noah warned to the people judgement was coming, no one listened and the ark was closed! Now today, we have again received many warning signs and judgements upon the earth. Will people keep their sin eager to return to business as usual? Or will they return to the God of their fathers repenting with godly sorrow?
In this day, I hear the Lord saying, “Come back home where you belong?” His arms of mercy and grace are extended. When ever I heard the story of Billy Graham who was waiting for a repentant daughter in the drive of his home with arms wide open, it made me cry. Such is the heart of the father, like the one in the parable of the prodigal son,  who has open arms of mercy ever beckoning in good times of blessing and in hard times of judgment to return to the love and safety of home with God.” Let us all return home!!
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
link for the message Pastor Foster delivered Sunday, April 19: COME HOME  Above is a manuscript version of the message.
link for the message delivered the weekend of April 25-26: CALL TO PREPARE
Weekend of May 2-3 message: CALL TO REST
This week’s  May 8-15 message: ANCHOR THAT HOLDS
This is my message for the weekend and coming week, May 16-17: POWER IN THE BLOOD
link for message of weekend May 23-24 : CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE
Link for this weekend and coming week: POWER INVASION THEN VS. NOW.   (May 29-30)