As St. Augustine of Hippo writes, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” That is the watchword for this website.
TEXT FOR JULY 14, 2020
When you think of taking a walk in the park, you think of doing something easy on a regular basis. You know it will benefit your health and well-being generally. How about thinking what we can do regularly to improve our spiritual well-being in this time of pandemic? There is a high degree of isolation from fellowship with other believers and fellow church members leaving us in a quandary as to what we can do like online contact and phone calls. Opening up church services does not fill the bill completely because of all the safety measures. The silver lining to all we are going through “alone together” gives cause to focus on the Lord and our prayer life. After all, his desire for our fellowship with him and realization of his person in us trumps all.
TEXT for Tuesday, April 7
Here we are in the third day of Holy Week in the countdown to victory to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday observances of the Lenten season. During this week should ask the Holy Spirit to shine his light on our souls to see if there is any unclean thing in us for which we must repent and receive forgiveness. The Lenten season of humbling ourselves before God and turning from our sinful ways and identifying with Christ and his death and resurrection continues. It culminates with the joy of the Resurrection on Sunday!
While I served a church in New Hampshire, I started a prison ministry in Windsor, Vermont at the correctional center there. I used to joke about having a captive audience there. Right now God has a captive audience if you recognize what is going on. We are undearrestessentially! He is speaking loudly for people of Earth to come to him through his son, Jesus the Messiah/Christ! He is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life,
While I served a church in New Hampshire, I started a prison ministry in Windsor, Vermont at the correctional center there. I used to joke CAPTIVE AUDIENCE!
While I served a church in New Hampshire, I started a prison ministry in Windsor, Vermont at the correctional center there. I used to joke about having a captive audience there. Right now God has a captive audience if you recognize what is going on. We are under house arrest essentially! He is speaking loudly for people of Earth to come to him through his son, Jesus the Messiah/Christ! He is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life, and no one comes to the Father except through him. That applies to both Jew and Gentile. There is no salvation under heaven other than in the name of Jesus/Yeshua! Come to him now before it is too late and the door will be locked! No one has the guarantee of tomorrow! hav
What an inviting smell to wake up and smell the bacon at a summer cottage from an outdoor campfire! I have a lot of fond memories of that. Right now, God is saying, “Wake up and smell the bacon!” God is saying to wake up and hear his loving call to come to him. Believe in your heart in the death of Jesus the Messiah for taking the rap owed for the sin of the world. Believe in his resurrection to give us eternal life and confess with our mouths he is our Lord and Savior! Then we will say, yes I smell the bacon and am having some rather than being full of fear! Being full of glory and joy unspeakable!
one comes to the Father except through him. That applies to both Jew and Gentile. There is no salvation under heaven other than in thename of Jesus/Yeshua! Come to him now before it is too late and the door will be locked! No one has the guarantee of
While I served a church in New Hampshire, I started a prison ministry in Windsor, Vermont at the correctional center there. I used to joke about having a captive audience there. Right now God has a captive audience if you recognize what is going on. We are under house arrest essentially! He is speaking loudly for people of Earth to come to him through his son, Jesus the Messiah/Christ! He is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life, and no one comes to the Father except through ………………….Thpplies to bot===============h Jew and Gentile. There is no salvation under heaven other than in the name of Jesus/Yeshua! Come to him now before it is =========too late and the door will be locked! No one has the guarantee of tomorrow!
When I came back from Indianapolis, more than three weeks ago, all hell seemed to break loose. I never dreamed things could happen so quickly; in one hour the earth has become like the picture in the song “The King is Coming”, “the marketplace is empty…,,etc.” God has given us warnings like the twin towers and Pentagon in America, earthquakes, floods, fires, and locust and fires in Australia. People refused the loving hand of Jesus/Yeshua then. What about now? He has to shake the world into reality! I hate to think of what will happen next if we don’t respond. I don’t want to see people respond out of fear but rather to come during this period of God disciplining in love because we did not hear before!
Isaiah prophesied in his book chapter 26:9, “My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you.
When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.”
“Let anyone who is without sin cast the first stone”, Jesus said to the religious leaders who wanted to stone the adulteress. Look at the cross of Jesus/Yeshua and what do you see? Do you see your sin and mine on the cross? Anyone who does not is blind. Roman 3:22-24 speaking about the righteousness he gives for us in place of our sin: “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ/Messiah to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” We all need him as our Lord and Savior. Don’t wait; the time is short!
No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!