Kingdom Economy vs. World’s Economy

Many people have raised concerns about the economy. They fear the stock market will experience a serious recession causing retirement income to take a nose dive and loss of dividends. Certainly legitimate concerns! As followers of Jesus Christ, we can lean on another economy that never crashes, never has shortfalls, and produces unlimited dividends: the kingdom economy! It is all based on Heaven’s resources and the principle of giving. If we’re giving of our time, money, and resources to him, it all comes back to us in good measure (Luke 6:38). And God’s promise is fulfilled: “My God shall meet all your need according to his riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) We give not to get back but out of love for the Lord.


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Better Together

Being alone or away from the people you have known and love creates a lot of anxiety about the uncertainty of the future. That’s when we so need to be together somehow. The wonderful innovations of technology give us God-given means to maintain the closeness through a website like this. In the Book of Hebrews it says “Forsake not the gathering together of the brethren even as the Day approaches.”  This is one way that can happen when many people, adults and children have to stay home. Many have to stay home alone.
Surely God is ;present in us and around us for sure. He said he would never leave us nor forsake us. Certainly he would not abandon in such dire need as now. He has led us to as quickly as possible put up this website to bolster our faith and to give is the comfort and solace of having contact with others in the same boat all over the globe! This is an emergency situation for us as much as all the things the government are others are doing. When many of us have been used to gathering together and catching up at our church services and other events, the atmosphere of togetherness poses an empty feeling for many who depend on that as a lifeline.
Many schools have adjusted to the time with online classroom instruction or home schooling. Now we of the church can do the same and usher in a new era of the church giving is a new face, a new way of talking, and new way of walking. Equivalent to the past? No, but different! Change won’t hurt and indeed helps give us a proper perspective on our lives and rearranging priorities.



Note: Previous messages can be viewed on YouTube under Gregory Foster messages. Be aware that messages from others are there also, but his have his face on them.

Do you know where you’re headed in life?





How do you make plans for the future?

Want a home where there is only joy and peace?



























    Facebook copy     The local church which Rev. Greg Foster serves has a website on FaceBook: Southport United Methodist Church, Southport, Maine
Sermons that Pastor Greg has had on this site can be viewed.  on YouTube under Gregory Foster messages. Be aware there are videos in the list which are not his. You will see his face in his though. Be blessed in Him!!




